verse of the day

Saturday 18 May 2024

God did it. ( Genesis 1v 1 )

 I will continue considering  the big lie,evolution, I have been thinking much about this subject,I want to start at the beginning, in other words when things came into place.There must be a cause and effect,did everything come into being by chance?,we will look at that.What is chance?let us consider what it isn't,it is not a being,in other words it has no power to do anything,to attribute chance as having casual power or any power is as one person said ,is to, 'suffer rocks in ones head'.Chance describes what may happen,or what may not happen,it has no power to make things happen or not happen.It is also said that time and chance have no being and consequently they have no power.As  the late, R .C. Sproul said,'The fatal flaw of the chance  scientists is they impute real being to the name chance',and they also do that to time.There are those who speak of self creation,which is a nonsense for as R.C.S ,writes,' For something to create itself,it must be before it is.this is impossible.'As I look at the universe,and how this little planet earth is situated, and all the variety of life within this planet it cannot just have happened.As a Christian I believe in a God the only God who created all things,who brought all things into being by the word of His power..

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