verse of the day

Saturday 25 May 2024

The worst of sinners.( 1 Timothy 1 v 12 - 17 )

 In Luke chap7 v34ff, we have Jesus in the home of a Pharisees called Simon ,He had been invited there for a meal,there were other guests there as well,some were Pharisees.As they sat eating the meal a woman came in, people knew who she was , she came to where Jesus was sitting, she came not just as a spectator ,but as women who had a great need,which only Jesus could meet.This woman  was more than likely a prostitute,she carried in her hand a container with very expensive perfume in it. Jesus was sitting on a low couch with His feet tucked behind Him.Standing behind him she started crying profusely wetting  his feet, so she knelt and wiped his with her hair,she also kissed them and then poured the perfume over them.The Pharisees were outraged,saying if this man were a prophet he would have known what kind  of woman she was,that she  was a sinner. Jesus knew this,they failed to see  that Jesus had come to save sinners. He said to the woman,''Your sins are forgiven'' ,and,''your faith has saved you go in peace''. He also said ,' her many sins have been forgiven',connecting  that with the great love she had shown.Thomas Brooks said the following.

                              'The greatness of a man's sins  does but set off the riches of free grace.

                               Sins are debts,and God can as easily blot out a debt of many thousands,

                               as He can a lesser one; therefore let not the greatest rebel despair, but

                               believe, and he shall find,that where sin abounds,grace shall much more 


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