verse of the day

Friday 17 May 2024

The big,big lie. ( 1 John 5 v 19 )

I had a basic education ,did not like school,there is more to it than that,so who am I to challenge  the very educated scientific world, why should a little nobody like me go against the trend,peddled out continually by people like the respected David Attenborough always pushing his belief on evolution,Most people go along with it after all its D A,and of course the all wise all knowing scientist,tell us its so,so it must be right. So I am a small gog disagreeing with those all knowing people with whom the world gives unquestioning obedience.I know that I am just like a voice crying in the wilderness,I will not be the  first to go against the establishment, Nicolaus Copernicus caused a stir when he said the earth was not the center of the universe,but he was right. A Dr Semmelwels proved the importance of hygiene when a child was being delivered,but the establishment rejected it, but he was right. I believe that the theory of evolution is one of the biggest lies there is,why do I think that?, I will continue this next time. 

                                                 '  The establishment is not always right'

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