verse of the day

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Faithful Creator. ( Ephesians 2 v 10)

I was surprised to receive notification as regards my pension,on April 3rd I was 80,they said that I was going to receive an increase to my pension,my heart was beating  rapidly,at last my ship had come in,but alas my dreams were shattered,as I read the amount awarded me,25 p a week,now I cannot go on that cruise.You see 25p is not very much,it would not get me one a half cup of coffee.Ah well I am not concerned  God will continue to look after me,as he always has done.One of the wonderful things about God, is His faithfulness,I remember when I was young ,there were times we did not  have any money,but God was gracious even though Jesus was not our Saviour. Our Saviour said that our Father in heaven 'causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous, and on the unrighteous. My mother had separated from my father,and she was left to bring up 4 children,she worked,but women's wages were poor.I have asked myself recently how did my mother manage,the answer is simple ,God .Mankind may have deserted God and they have ,but He is a faithful Creator .(1  Peter 4 v 19),even though they do not recognise Him,or even thank Him.So like our heavenly Father we are called,'to do good to all people',and then he adds,'especially to those who belong to the family of God .( Galatians 6 v 10)

                                                 ' If I can help somebody as I travel along'

                                                   If I can help somebody with a word or song,

                                                   If I can help  somebody from doing wrong,

                                                   my life shall not be in vain.'

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