verse of the day

Monday 27 May 2024

Amazing Love. ( Romans 5 v 8 )

Around our coasts we have  an organisation called the coastguards ,their job is to rescue those in danger in the sea,children can be washed out to sea very easily on little rubber dinkies.Some people do not take the dangers seriously, and get into trouble,and the coastguards will rescue  them.They have a policy that rescues everybody ,who needs  rescuing irrespective of how they  got into trouble. In someways it is like Gods mercy,take the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 v 11ff. The  son in the story that Jesus told,was no good,he was interested in doing things his sinful way,the bitter older brother summed it up ,he had squandered the money his father had given him on prostitutes,he spent all his money on the good life,with his no good friends.He ended it up in Skid Row,he ended up in dire straits,serves him right ,he made his bed,let him lie in. The situation brought him to his senses ,so he decided to go home to his father when he came to him, begging forgiveness his father choose to forgive him,irrespective of what he had done.We are all prodigals to some degree yet irrespective of whatever we have done,if we come to God in all our need ,in all our guilt, God will forgive and forget those sins we have committed, and welcome us into His family, through Jesus His Son.

                                           'I was sinking deep in sin,sinking to rise no more, 

                                           Overwhelmed by guilt within,mercy I did implore

                                            Then the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry,

                                             Christ my Saviour lifted me,now safe am I .




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