verse of the day

Sunday 12 May 2024

We have a choice ( Romans 5 v 17)

 When on holiday with my son and family, we viewed  a lovely garden,as I  walked around it, I thought how beautiful the garden of Eden must have been .It was a perfect in a perfect world. God the creator was pleased with what he had done,we read these words,'it was good' and  when He created  Adam and Eve and placed them in the garden He said that it was very good.All creation was in harmony with not one note of discord,Adam and Eve had everything going for them,they had not a worry in the world.Present humanity cannot grasp perfection,cannot appreciate what that truly means. Let us return to that perfect garden,to a moment in time when creation experienced a change,Romans 8 v22 tells us,'For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now'.That beautiful perfect garden had turned from perfection to imperfection.But of course something more serious had taken place place,those perfect human being were now changed,life would become a struggle,they would experience something we were meant to experience  ,death.That perfect nature was changed,they had now a fallen nature,and all kinds of evil was possible, God did not forsake His creation,but the crown of His creation had forsaken Him.But God had a plan a new creation,and the one who would bring it into being  would be Jesus.In their perfect state humanity had a choice Genesis 3 v2,they made the wrong choice,and we paid the awful price for their sinful choice.But now there is way back to God,from the dark paths of sin ,and all its consequences when we come as a sinner to Jesus.

                                                              'Make the right choice'

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