verse of the day

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Remind me. ( Luke 15 v 11-31)

I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like if  the Lord had not intervened ,I know my thought pattern was taken me in a wrong way,anything that takes you away from God,is the wrong way, no matter how legitimate it may appear.In the Irish song  ,'The Mountains of Mourne', a young lad in London writes to his sweetheart in Ireland,of those who where digging for gold in the streets,that's what they told him,so he started digging ,but for all that he found there ,he might as well be,where the mountains of Mourne sweep down to the sea. So often in ones life we are chasing after the gold  at the end of the rainbow ,like those who where digging for gold in the streets,we discover all we have is fools gold Thanks be to God when I found Christ  or He found me, I found true riches,the words of a hymn come  to mind .                                         

                                      'I sighed for rest and happiness, I yearned for them, not Thee;

                                      But while I passed my Saviour by,His love laid hold on me.

                                      Now none but Christ can satisfy, none other  name for me,

                                      There's love and life and lasting joy, Lord Jesus found in Thee'

            'All things were changed when I found Jesus,I found the meaning of life, and I found direction.' 

             'Roll back the curtain of memory now and then,show me where you brought me from and where 

               I could have been, I'm only human and so I forget so remind me,remind me,dear Lord.'

                                                               ' (Words Dottie Rambo),dear Lord

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