verse of the day

Sunday 26 May 2024

The race set before us,( 2 Timothy 4 v 6-8)

Just recently the London marathon took place,it is a very large event ,  it raises a lot of money for charity,it is 26mi 385 yds or 42.195 km, long.In  Hebrews 12 v1  we read,'Let us run with perseverance  the race marked out for us', generally people running a race wear very light clothing,they remove all that hinders them,so the writer of Hebrews tells us that we are to 'throw off everything that hinders  and the sin that so easily  entangles'us.consider how inclusive this exhortation is,we are to throw of everything that hinders us,no matter how legitimate it may be,we are not to spare it ,if it is a hindrance we are to get rid of it.This also includes the sin that so easily trips us up,yes it is easy to fall into sin ,whatever it may be, we are to get rid of it.The race that the Christian is on will have obstacles to overcome.What obstacles are we facing?, let us remember every obstacle we face is an opportunity to exercise faith  and they are not meant   to drive us away from God ,but to drive us to Him.We must keep our eyes on Jesus,for without Him we can do nothing,but with Him we can do all things Philippians 4 v13.Let me highlight what is very important.,in the the words of Paul the apostle ,one who suffered so much for Christ,and faced tremendous difficulties/, just before he was put to death he said,'I have finished the race,I have kept the faith.2 Timothy 4 v 7,in giving up we loose everything ,but in finishing the race we will be be wonderfully rewarded, that's not saying we earn our salvation,John Stott calls it 'the evidence of our justification ' that will be rewarded. 2 Tim 4 v 8.

                                                          Press on,hold on ,carry on'

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