verse of the day

Friday 10 May 2024

Good and Evil ( Isaiah 5 v 20)

 Let's consider some thoughts from Psalm 119 v 65-72. We will consider v66 ,'Teach me knowledge and good judgement,for I trust in your commands'.it is Michael Wilcock who writes the following,'It is Scripture that both promises and conveys the good things that the Lord intends for his servant. They include knowledge,which is an excellent gift,and good judgement.( the ability'to distinguish good from evil) V65 reads,'Do good to your servant,according to your word,Lord. How are we as Christians going to distinguish between good and evil?,the answer is very simple according to God's word.. We are  not left to ourselves to flounder blindly on the worlds idea's of morality ,which so many Christians alas are doing.We have the 10 commandments,and many other scriptures that help us to distinguish between good and evil. In v66  we read,'For I trust your commandments', yes we must trust God's word, in all things,in relation to morality and theology,if we do, we will be walking in the light,if we don't we will be walking in darkness. Remember what our Saviour said ,if you love Me,keep my commandments. ( John 14 v 15)

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