verse of the day

Sunday 19 May 2024

Our wonderful bodies. ( Psalm 139 v 13 - 18 )

  Psalm 139v14  reads,'I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made', Scroggie calls the body 'This wonderful machine,' it truly is ,one could be overwhelmed in trying to take in all that is involved in  our bodies .Here are a few of the amazing contents of our bodies ,their are billions and trillions of cells,There are 10 different systems in our bodies,here are some of them,'Digective/ Immune/ Nervous// Reproductive/ Respiratory,Urinary.Yes we have a wonderful body. The point I would make is this,it could not just have happened,it is impossible.the so called being  evolution is a poor answer indeed no answer as to life on planet earth.Let none of us be blinded by the blinded scientists,who refuse to consider what the word of  God declares ,that God made us.R. C. Sproul wrote the following,' According to scientific materialists,''human beings , like everything else,are merely complex material systems,and are therefore no more,in essence,than extremely clever animals'' Christians, on the other hand,believe that human beings are a union of body and soul and that they are in the image of God,with intellect and will''.

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