verse of the day

Thursday 16 May 2024

Are you impatient? ( Psalm 40 v 1 )

 Sometimes I feel frustrated, I supposed we all do at times,and recently I found myself asking  our loving heavenly Father why  was He not granting me a particular thing.I should know, the fact is if God is withholding something from us,He must have a good reason. I know that, but never the less I do get impatient,and a sense of frustration fills me. Of course my request may be answered but not yet,patience they say is virtue,but it does not come automatically to us.People do not like waiting,we see it in so many ways,in the lines of the supermarket,you hear people saying 'they have only got two people serving.' And of course on the roads how many accidents are caused by people being impatient.We are not happy with delays,even when its God who is doing the delaying,The thing is we want it now,whatever it may be.why do I have to wait?,why?,God may simply say to us,'Because I said so'. that should be enough, often its not.There is a saying which goes,'The waiting game', God is not into playing games, He is into changing  us from the old to the new, and he says to all of us we have need of wait on Gods timing,which is always perfect,always.He never comes to late or to early.Psalm 40 v1 reads 'I waited  patiently', it does not say impatiently. Spurgeon points us to our dear Saviour as patience personified,   Impatience  never lingered in His heart,much less escaped His lips in His suffering,one thing for sure He was patient,He waited,and waited,; was patient,and patient to perfection' .David's patience was not in vain, for in v1ff he tells us that the Lord heard his cry,and acted on his behalf.

                                                            'Patience is not a vain exercise'.


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