verse of the day

Friday 24 June 2022

Wait and see. ( Romans 8 v28 )

A story is told of a farmer  who found out one day  that his only horse had run off, a friend said,'I heard you have lost your only horse, how awful',the farmer replied,'' we will see''. The next day his horse  came back, and it had with it another horse. One day the farmer was robbed,and the same neighbour said to him  ,'how awful', the farmer replied,''we will see''. Later on in the week he was walking in his field,and he stumbled over a mound of earth,he investigated what it was,to his surprise he found buried treasure.Later on his son had an accident, and broke his leg,when his neighbour heard about it,he went to the farmer,and said ,'how awful', the farmer replied,''we will see'.Not long after that the Lord who ruled that country, was raising an army ,to fight in a war with his enemies.When he came to the farmers home to enlist the farmers son to fight in his army, he was excluded from army service, because of his broken leg.We are often are guilty of making judgements on the immediate happenings, instead of saying ,'we will see',for the word of God says,that all things are working together for our good,in light of that ,we must trust our all knowing, all seeing God, who has a plan for all His children's lives,  yes let us patiently,' wait and see,' ,how God will eventually work things out.

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