verse of the day

Friday 23 July 2021

The importance of. (1 ) ( Matthew 4 v 4 )

 Two things I was reminded of this morning, first one was all things are possible with God, I was reading Mark 6 v 14 ff, when Jesus seeing a huge crowd of people, he had compassion on them, he described them as sheep without a shepherd, a miracle was coming, but first He taught them. We do not know what He taught them, as Christians we need to be taught by Jesus, that's not hard, it means we must take time to read God's word, seek to understand ,and live it out  Feed ourselves, we can buy good books, even commentaries ,to help us understand Gods word, also godly teachers on the internet, two I would recommend, Charles   Swindoll, and John MacArthur, I have found them helpful, Hopefully you have a godly minister who does not deviate from God's word, sadly there are an increasing number who are straying from the truth, they will not build you up in your faith, always be discerning, the Holy Spirit will be your guide, John 16 v13. Remember what our dear Saviour taught, ''Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God''  Matthew 4 v 4''. We will move on next time next in Mark 6 v 14ff .

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