verse of the day

Wednesday 5 August 2020

The heart ( Psalm 19 )

Last time we considered a prayer,with words from Psalm 19 v 14, 'May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart ,be pleasing in your sight, O Lord,my Rock,and my redeemer'. We considered our words,next let us consider ,the ,'meditation of my heart'.this is something that this person practiced,it did not just happen,he made a deliberate decision, to meditate.He speaks of the heart.Vine puts it like this,the heart,' Came to stand for man's entire mental and moral activity,both the rational and the emotional elements.In other words,the hidden springs of the personal life'. We are thinking emotional beings.and often our emotions,take over our thinking,which leads to our actions,David looked at a very beautiful woman bathing,his emotions were stirred, and they took over his thinking,which led to adultery.. So we can appreciate why the Psalmist prayed what he did,he wanted that his emotions and thinking would  please God. Focusing on the wrong things,can lead us into wrong things,things that can destroy us, and others.Here is a man who wants his life ,his words,his inner being,to be pleasing to his God.If we read Psalm 19 we are told that the glory of God can be seen in the heavens, then the wonderfulness of God's word, and the positive results of obeying God's word.Then he finishes by opening himself  up to a holy God, acknowledging his sinful nature,and a desire that God would keep him from sinning. He ends with these wonderful words,'O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer'.We need not to be driven and controlled by our emotions ,there is victory in Jesus.

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