verse of the day

Monday 24 August 2020

Scripture Alone ( Acts 17 v 10 - 12 )

 One of the most popular ministers in the 19th century was a Baptist preacher called  Charles Haddon Spurgeon, his popularity was world wide, Many preachers would love to have such a popular ministry,as one listens to some preachers especially in America ,with their mega gatherings ,one would wish that they were not so popular,in their dubious teaching,and their graving after material gain, and as one observes the vast numbers attending their gatherings it is sad that they appear so gullible,with no real spiritual discernment..It appears the easy way out ,not to think, to not search the scriptures.It is not a new thing ,millions in their ignorance have let their church do their thinking for them,believing that their church knows best,all they have to do is go along with what their church teaches, and they will go to heaven,of course there is always the threat hanging over them, if they don't, then they will be lost..The reformation began when godly men started to read the scriptures,the result was they saw that what their church was teaching was contrary to Gods word. One the cries of the reformation was ,'Scripture Alone',when preachers start saying things that are not in the word of God,or that are contrary to Gods word,beware, it is time to speak out ,and get out.,for they are destroying the very foundation of our faith.

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