verse of the day

Sunday 23 August 2020

Preparation ( 1 Timothy 4 v 15 - 16 )

 A friend of the family is doing some decorating for us,as I watched him at work, I was impressed by the  preparation he did..As a preacher I realise more and more the importance of  sermon preparation,good sermons  don't just happen.Before David became the shepherd King of Israel ,he was a shepherd of  sheep, that was God's preparation.God does prepare us for whatever role he has called us to do,but that does not mean we have nothing to do.Gold medal winners, don't just happen, if  God has given you a gift then he wants and requires you to develop that gift, that means hard work. Marriage  I believe is a gift from God ,but we must work at it continually,so many people don't take into consideration the challenge of marriage, the hard work it entails to make a marriage work. It is only in fairy tales that people live happy ever after,remember a marriage will struggle to survive if  husband and wife don't work together,  God is there to help us,if we are willing to seek his help.Now lets consider preparation in relation to our spiritual well being, for we who are Christians .Let me ask you a question,what preparation should we make as we face each  day?,the world rushes on,but we need to pray,we need to read God's word,we need to remember the words of our Saviour that without him we can do nothing, for we are not just living a life, we are called to live a Christ like life.

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