verse of the day

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

But then. [1 Corinthians 13 v 9-13]

We read  in 1 Corinthians 13 v 12,'For now we see through a glass darkly',
what we are being told here is,our limited understanding as to truth,as to
the things we experience.There are things in the word of God I do not fully
understand,who can fully grasp Gods attributes and His ways.Yes we know in part,but just in part,but then ,says Paul we will enter into a fuller and greater knowledge,of heaven,and the God of heaven.As to Gods ways,well we all can say we know in part, so many dear children of God are wondering why,this  happen and that has happened in their lives.Why one person is healed and others are not,the why, will always be with us,because we only see through a glass darkly.The man who penned those words suffered greatly,and would die a martyrs death,why?. We do not know why when he got saved he was told that he would experience suffering [Acts 9 v16].We are told that as Christians we will suffer,but often we are left wondering why?.We know in part,not fully,but says Paul,'but then,face to face,now I know in part,but then shall I know,even as also I am known.'
                                Farther along we'll know all about it.
                                Farther along we'll understand why;
                                Cheer up my brother,live in the sunshine,
                                We'll understand it all by and by.
                                        [Words by W.B. Stevens ]

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