verse of the day

Sunday 11 October 2015

Offensive religion [Micah 6 v 8]

As we face life with all its challenges the thing we need is,what would you say we need?,what do need we today.?We read in Micah 6 v 8,/He has showed you ,O man,what is good.And what does the Lord require of you?. To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God/.One commentator writes,/This verse is considered to be one of the most comprehensive and all embracing statements in the Old Testaments/.Micah is responding to Israel's condition ,it was the opposite of 6v8, [CP Chapter 7]In 6v7, Micah asks the question ,does God want us to be more religious,and the answer is no, religion that is devoid of ,justice[Doing that which is right],Mercy [Kindness] ,and humility,is an affront to God. When our Saviour was arrested they brought Him to Pilate,but they would  not enter Pilate's house, to enter a Gentiles home would have meant defilement ,
would have barred them from participation in the Passover celebrations.
[John 18 v28]Yet at the same time they were participating in the murder of Jesus.such religion is an offence to God.
                                              A  prayer.
Dear God and Father,help us to act justly,to love mercy,and to walk humbly
before You,in Jesus name Amen.

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