verse of the day

Thursday 1 October 2015

Greater things.[ Ephesians 3 v 20 ]

Before our blessed Saviour would leave his disciples,one of the things He said ,/I tell you the truth,anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing,he will do even greater things than these,because I go unto my Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name,and I will do it/[John 14 v11-13 ] Now how should we look at these words,can we
do greater things than Jesus?.Well the Pentecostal people would say we can,but most commentators would  would see the greater things,in the future evangelization of the world. In other words in the conversion of souls,as B Milne writes ,/There is no greater work possible than the conversion of the soul/.Now I would agree with that,and yet it seems to me that our Saviour is leaving us with a challenge not only to evangelise,but to
also to believe that we should aspire,to pray prayers of faith,and actions of faith,in other words not to limit God ,[C P.  14 V14/15V7V16].
                                        A  prayer.
Dear God help us not to limit You,we ask that we may see answers to our prayers in evangelisim,answers in relation to difficulties,in relation to needs being met,in relation to sickness,whatever,in Jesus name Amen .

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