verse of the day

Tuesday 6 October 2015

I have had enough. [ Psalm 42 ]

I  wonder have you ever felt that you cannot go on?,well there are a number
of people in the Bible who felt like this.I think of Jacob and Elijah.Let us consider Jacob ,he had to leave home because his brother Esau was threatening to kill him,he ended up working for his uncle Laban ,who treated him,very unfairly. God spoke to him to return home,but he lived with the tension of how his brother would react,in the end he welcomed him home. Jacob had twelve sons and one daughter.The sons caused him concern,but he had a son called Joseph,he loved him more than all his children.Because of this his sons hated Joseph,and when they saw their opportunity,they sold him as a slave.They lied to their father ,telling him that an animal had killed  Joseph,Jacob was overwhelmed with grief.Later when his sons returned from Egypt with the news that Simeon was in prison,and that the ruler there,demanded that they return with their younger brother,it all became to much for Jacob.In his distress he cried out, all these things are against me[Genesis 42v36 ]This was to him the last straw,he had reached the end of himself,but of course that was not the end of the matter,for God had a plan for Jacobs life,and soon his sadness would be turned into joy.Dear child of God like Jacob you may have come to the end of yourself,you feel  you cannot go on ,here is a word for you,/Weeping may endure for a night,but joy  cometh in the morning[Psalm 30 v5]. You may feel like giving  up,but God has not given up on you.
                                        A  prayer.
Dear God have mercy upon  us when we feel like giving up,help us to see that inspite of the difficulties ,you have not given up on us.and that You will
undertake for us.we ask this in Jesus name Amen.

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