verse of the day

Monday 12 October 2015

Battling on. [ 1 Thessalonians 5 v 16-19 ]

Recently a Christian spoke of her struggle with the fact that she still is prone to yield to temptation,why this sinful tendency still persisted?. She wondered why ,seeing we have Spirit of God dwelling.why that should be?.
There are people who foolishly think that we can reach a place of sinless
perfection,in spite of all we read in the Bible that stresses the fact that as long as we are in this body of flesh we will be tempted.[CP.  Romans 7./I John 1 v 8.Enough said, the Christian life is on going,till the day God takes us home we will have to contend with the world ,the flesh,and the Devil,and the fact is we will not always win. But we need not despair,there is victory in Jesus ,and when we sin ,there is forgiveness.[1 John 1 v 9].In Galations 5v16 ff,the apostle Paul writes how there is a constant battle going on,and
the importance of relying on Gods Spirit to gave us the victory.This why each day we need to be filled with the Spirit,if we surrendered to the Spirit,then we will not be overcome. Yes it is an ongoing battle that is why
the Apostle tells us not to be weary in doing good[Galations 6 v9],and our Saviour exhorts us to keep praying and not give up. [Luke 18 v1 ]
                                           A  prayer.
Dear God help us to rely upon Your Spirit every hour of every day,in Jesus name Amen.
  [I will return to my blog on Tuesday 20th.  Every blessing]

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