verse of the day

Sunday 22 February 2015

You can decide. [ Hebrews 11v1]

I usually go out into my garden at night and look up at the stars,to observe the glory of Gods creation. The other evening as I looked up I found myself singing ,He's got the whole in his hand,it is in the book of Job, we read,/He .hangeth  the earth upon nothing[26v7]. The scientist speaks with his flawed ,from a flawed mind,never giving glory to God,while the multitudes,believe there flawed giro's.
  As to scientific knowledge,I know very little,but I would rather hold unto the certainty of faith,rather than the blindness of the freak accident theory.
It is not that I despise scientist,we owe under God much to them, but unfortunately they do not think that they are under God.When do you hear any of them ever mention God,the evolutionist,speaks how animals somehow grow feathers,and somehow fly,yes ,truly somehow.
    If  you want you can go down the godless scientific road,but were is it leading ?or you can decide to follow Him who is the way the truth and the life[John 14 v6],it is a  path of faith,strange path,but it is the safest path,
                                    A  prayer.
Dear God have mercy and grant us grace to follow Your son Jesus,as He leads us to glory,in His name we ask this Amen

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