verse of the day

Sunday 15 February 2015

Trust [ Proverbs 3 v 5 ]

I received a nice scarf for Christmas ,it was a Ted  Baker,I was not  to
interested in its designer label,but it is a nice scarf. I looked at the label ,and
read these words,/Trust Ted/.Trust Ted ,I do not even know Ted,I suppose
what the label is telling us,that when you buy a Ted Baker item,be it a scarf
or whatever you wont be disappointed.
     On the American dollar we have the words,we trust in God,I hope that is so,many nations trust in their vast armies,their military might.Israel was warned,about multiplying horses,they related to military power,Psalm20v7,
reads,/Some trust in chariots,and some in horses,but we will remember the
name of the Lord our God/.
     Now these words come as a challenge to all of us,what or who are we trusting in?.First what are we trusting to be saved?yes we need to be saved,
is it our good works,our supposedly good life,or are we trusting in Jesus,
to save us?.
      Again are we trusting in our wealth ?,health,friends,etc,or are we trusting in the Lord?.
      It was the apostle Paul who wrote,/Instead of trusting in our own strength or wits.......we were forced to trust God totally.[1 Corinthians 1v9]
      We need to totally trust in God to save us,and then , we must
continually ,totally, trust Him every day ,every hour,all our lives.
                                    A  prayer.
Dear God forgive us for not trusting You,for not seeing that it is the safest,and best thing to do, help us in Jesus name, to be more trusting Amen.


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