verse of the day

Friday 20 February 2015

Mercy [Luke 18 v 9-14 ]

Even though I am a Christian of many years,in someways I am very much still a rough diamond,the old Billy still manifests itself.I still have times when I manifest a temper,still dwell on wrong thoughts,still worry,need I go on,oh  yes I have changed but it appears sometimes ,not enough.
   It reminds me  that I am part of the gap theory,the gap being what I am and what I should be.It also reminds me of the word I use so much in my prayers,mercy,as I pray for people I request mercy,and when I pray for myself ,I pray  for mercy.The word of God continually uses the word mercy,for that I am so grateful,grateful that God is merciful.How can we approach such a holy God?well we are told, let us come boldly unto the throne of grace,that we may obtain mercy[Hebrews 4 v16]
     It is because of Gods mercy we  are not consumed,it is by Gods mercy
we are saved,it starts with mercy,and continues with mercy,until the day we
die.When we stand before Him it will be by mercy,and as we look back and see ,the path that we have walked on in our earthly pilgrimage ,it was a path called mercy.
     Our Saviour told a story about two men, one was very religious,and consider others inferior,I saw this many years ago when the barber was cutting my hair,and well know gypsies went to come into the shop,and they were told in no uncertain terms ,to get out.
     The other man was a notorious person,I will call him a loan shark[the bible calls him a tax collector,they collected taxes for the Romans,and they abused their position.
      They were both religious so they went up to the temple to pray,the very religious person ,prayed thanking God that he was not a sinner like the loan shark,he fasted twice a week and he abstained from wrongful sexual behaviour,he was thankfully that he was not like the loan shark.
     The loan shark ,unlike the very religious person ,who stood up praying,
stood at distance,not daring to lift his eyes heavenward,he was very distraught,very sorrowful,and all he could pray was ,God be merciful to me
a sinner.
     Now who do you think was accepted by God?,very simple, the one who
sought mercy.
                                       A  prayer.
Dear God have mercy upon us poor sinners,and grant us forgiveness ,
through Jesus the Saviour of sinners, Amen

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