verse of the day

Wednesday 4 February 2015

God never gives up.[ Lamentations 3 v22-23 ]

Next let us consider that....../God never gives up on His people/.
    I have just finished reading Jonah the prophet of God,I have no difficulty
about the fact that he was swallowed by a great fish.The thing I find  amazing about this book,is Gods patience with this grumpy man,If he had been a guest on that famous radio program,desert island disc,where the guest is asked to imagine being marooned on a desert Island,and they are given the choice of having a number of their favourite pieces of music,
Jonahs first piece would have been,/I did it my way/.When called  to go
to Nineveh to proclaim a message of judgement,he rebelled,and went the opposite way.But God did not give up on Him,and even after the fish experience,he was still Mr Grumpy,one commentator,writes that where the fish vomited him up ,he had to walk 900miles,to Nineveh,and I imagine that
during his walk,he would have been stewing on the fact that he doing  that
which he really did not want to do it,yet he did it ,but not with a good heart.
       An so to Nineveh,,he did his job,which resulted in every preachers dream,the people repented,and God responsed by showing mercy.Jonah of course was not happy with this,he wants to die,he just could not come to terms with God and His ways ,in showing mercy,to that wicked city.Yet God never gave up on him,I would have,but God loved this prophet,as He loves you and me,and it is truly amazing that, he never gives up on us.
                                             A prayer.
Dear God we confess that there is a Jonah in all of us,we thank You that in spite of this You never gave up on us ,thank you in Jesus name Amen.

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