verse of the day

Sunday 1 February 2015

Come. [Matthew 14v23-33]

O man of little faith,why did you doubt?[Matthew 14v26-31] ,these words where spoken to Peter sometimes known as the big  fisherman.Now as to how big physically he was, I do not know,but no doubt he had a big personality.He was a very spontaneous person ,not always the most spiritual
He See's Jesus walking on the water,he and the disciples were not sure who it was.Lets face it, it is not a thing anyone can do,so they  cried out in fear,
thinking all sorts of things.It was then they hear the words,be of good cheer
it is I ,be not afraid,it was their Saviour. Are you afraid at the moment?
listen to what Jesus is saying,be not afraid,now the circumstances  was, the
disciples were in a storm.Again I ask the question,are you in a storm?,Jesus had not forsaken them,He was there with them,and He spoke to them,it is I be not afraid.Are you listening or are you letting your fear of the storm,
take over?,we have a choice,listen to the storm or listen to Jesus.
   Now returning to Peter,he responses, Lord if it is You,bid me come to you on the water,and Jesus simply said, come.and Peter did just that.Everything
was going so well,and then he started listening to the storm,and his faith shrunk,to a man of little faith,and he began to sink.The good news ,Jesus did not let him drown,no He saved him ,come to Jesus with much faith come to Jesus with little faith,in Grace He will not let you as it where drown,in your sin  or your sea of troubles.
                                             A prayer.
Dear Lord we simple come to You in all our weakness ,in all our need,have mercy upon us, Amen.

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