verse of the day

Friday 1 August 2014

Words are so easily spoken. [ Proverbs 15 v 4 ]

Did you ever say to yourself,why did I not keep my mouth shut?you say something that you wish you hadn't said,something said in confidence,something that was said for your ears only, I am sure we all
can identify with what I am saying,and the words of James come to mind,the tongue can no man tame[3 v8]. Words unfortunately are so easily spoken,if only we would think before we speak,or better still, pray before we speak. Much, so much good can be accomplished by words,as in the case of our Saviours word,consider the things He taught ,the sermon on the mount,contrast with Hitlers speeches,he had a wonderful ability to give speeches,and yet consider how those speeches inflamed men's hearts to hate,destroy, and to kill. Tony Campolo has written a book ,let me tell you a story, and it has as it's content 15 chapters ,/What we overhear about/,it would be a challenge to write a book with the contents being, /What we should not have said about/.I leave this verse with you for your prayerful consideration,/Let your speech be always with grace,seasoned with salt./[Colossians 4 v5] A  prayer........./Dear God forgive our foolish ways and foolish words,right now we consecrate our tongues to You in Jesus name Amen /

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