verse of the day

Thursday 28 August 2014

Don't underestimate prayer.[ Exodus 3 v 7-9 ]

In a time of great trouble David prays ,no man cared for my soul[Psalm 142v4],he felt overwhelmed
by his situation,and yet in the midst of  his dire troubles what a wonderful prayer he prays.I visited a dear lady recently,she had just lost her husband of 6o years,can we even begin to understand the depths of her lost.I read regularly of so many of Gods dear children suffering,some being murdered.Someone I know who is very dear to me ,was abused for many years,I cannot even begin to imagine the depths of their suffering. There are so many people suffering in this world,from hunger,homelessness,persecution,wrongful imprisonment,the list goes on, and on. I visit people on a regular bases who suffer from mental illness,I feel so helpless.The question is what can we do well we can pray,is that all we can do?,it may be all we can do,but do not underestimate the power of prayer,David didn't,nor should we. So today whither in your own life,or the lives of others,there are awful things happening pray to God who loves,who hears and will respond.
A  prayer..../Dear God hear our prayer for those who are suffering ,and answer,hear our prayers for ourselves and answer in Jesus name Amen /

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