verse of the day

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Praying for others.[ James 5 v16]

After I had preached, a person spoke to me,his mother was very ill,I listened but I did not know what to say possible because I might say the wrong thing, I felt a sense of hopelessness,later I thought why did I not pray with him?.Well I did not pray with him but I have been praying for him,the Bible tells us to pray for one another,[James 5v 16].Consider the challenging words spoken by Samuel the prophet speaking to Israel,/God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you/[ 1 Samuel 12 v23]  When we pray for someone we are bringing that person and their problems to God,with a confidence that He knows whats best for that person,and how best to help them.There are many who are suffering in this world,I can help somewhat,but I am very limited in resources,but God is not. Today you may meet someone,or hear of someone who is in difficulty,pray for them,don't judge them, leave that to God,our responsibility is to pray for them.God is no respecter of persons,your prayers do not take second place to your pastor, missionary,TV evangelist,or whoever.Go with boldness unto the throne of grace,God in mercy will hear and answer according to His perfect will [Hebrews 4v16]
A  prayer.../Dear God help us to pray,and help us to see the importance of praying for others in Jesus name Amen/

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