verse of the day

Sunday 24 August 2014

Dwelling on thr dark side. [ Deuteronomy 29v 29]

R.C. Sproul wrote,/We have to learn to think theologically/,in other words think biblical,not to be ruled by sentiment,or our own understanding.I hear people express ideas and questions and they have not considered what the Bible is teaching. Many people in the Bible experienced awful things happening to them,Job,Joseph and Paul,and our dear Saviour.The early Christians were thown to the lions and up to this present day,many dear Christians are experiencing awful suffering.The question many ask why can God not stop it?,well right away we see an error,God can stop it,so why does He not?.It appears that evil must continue in Gods purposes,He is working inspite of evil, redeeming a people to Himself.We only see part of the story,we should not judge things by the half time score.In Deuteronomy 29v 29,we read,/The secret things belong unto the Lord/,in a very real sense we must accept this,that there will always be questions we cant answer,Job never received an answer,God is not duty bound to give us an answer.In all our questioning we must fall back on scripture,and observe the character of God,He is holy,just,merciful,gracious,loving,and most important sovereign.None of us like seeing others suffer,God doesn't,but in His sovereignty,evil must run its course,let us not in ignorance judge God,His way is perfect.
A   prayer ......../ Dear God help us not to dwell on the dark side of our nature,especially within our mind,help us dwell on the light of your word,in Jesus name Amen/

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