verse of the day

Wednesday 13 August 2014

The clown [ Matthew 11 v28 ]

I  am sure you have heard the story of the man who visited a doctor feeling depressed,well the doctor said to him,I'm told there is a wonderful clown in town,he is making everybody laugh,go and see him,his name is Grimaldi,the man looked at the doctor,and said I am Grimaldi.  I thought of this story when I heard the sad news of  the death of Robin Williams,a man who entertained many ,but behind the mask of acting, joke telling was a very sad person.It  makes us realise that you cannot judge a book by its cover,or a person by their wealth and fame,it is only God who sees the heart,it is He who knows what we are really like. He sees the insecurities,the loneliness,the sense of failure,the need to be loved,that when we  are smiling we are crying inside,people hear our words,He hears our thoughts.There are so many peoples like Grimaldi,and dear Robin Williams,putting on a good open show,putting on a good front. There is a popular song that goes,bring on the clowns,are you one of those clowns?am I?, well here is the word for for us clowns,stop clowning around,and start to see that there is a God ,who loves us just as we are, a God,who can heal the broken heart,and a God who can fill the empty void in our lives,He does this through His son Jesus,who says,/Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest[Matthew 11 v28]
A  prayer..../ Dear God come and heal our brokenness,come and fill our emptiness,with Yourself through You Son Jesus Amen /

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