verse of the day

Saturday 30 August 2014

The secret is surrender [ 1 Chronicles 29 v 5 ]

In Psalm 147 v 10-11,we read,/He delighteth not in the strength of the horse,He taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man. The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him ,in those that hope in his mercy/
These may sound strange words to us,so what are we being told?,well the horse,and the strength of a mans legs speak of man's natural power.When Samuel came to choose a new king,he had to be reminded that God looked on the heart,not the outward appearance [ 1 Samuel 16v7],and the least expected person was chosen,David,a man after Gods own heart.Now of course God will use and choose whom He will,but His choice is so different from ours,He chooses the foolish things of this world,the weak things of the world,the base things of the world,things that are despised[1 Corinthians1 v 27-28].Why ? that no flesh should glory in His presencev29.Christianity came into being through weakness, a man hanging on a cross [2 Corinthians 13 v4].Christianity is not based on human abilities,but rather a reliance on God,and His power,that does not mean we wont have abilities,but we must  make sure that they are surrendered to Him.
A   prayer  of consecration......./All that I am and have,Thy gifts so free,
                                                   in joy,in grief through life O Lord, for Thee.
                                                   And when Thy face I see,my ramsomed soul shall be,
                                                   Through all eternity,something for Thee....Amen.
                                                        [Words by S.O. Phelps]


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