verse of the day

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Baptism [Romans 6 v1ff ]

From the moment one became a Christian,things changed,the act of  baptism proclaims this,cp Romans 6 v1ff.My study Bible points out that that baptism was by immersion,new Christians were completely buried in water.This symbolised the death and burial of the old life,the wrong things we once did,we are dead to,if we once stole we no longer do that,if we were sexually permissive we are now dead to that,and so on. When we come up out of the water we are entering into that resurrection of new life in Christ.Some people see baptism as just a witness that they have become a Christian and it is that,but it is also a declaration that one is dead,to the old sinful ways. That is why Paul declares,how shall we, that are dead to sin,live any longer therein?,Leon Morris points out that for many baptism is seen as a comforting,and inspiring piece of ceremonial.He goes on to point out ,/that we should not let the modern associations of baptism, blind us to the point Paul is making so strongly.He is saying that it is quite impossible for anyone who understands,what baptism means to acquiesce cheerfully in a sinful life.The baptized have died to all that/
A  prayer...../ Dear God help us to live that new life in Christ,a life that has nothing to do with those dead practises of this world,in Jesus name Amen/

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