verse of the day

Friday 30 August 2013

Now you know. [John 1v 12-13 ]

 In John chapter 3 we read of a man called Nicodemus  visiting Jesus by night,he was one of the countries top religious cleric's, belonging to very, very religious sect called the Pharisees.Their name means separated ones,they taught Gods word and tried to walk in it's teaching, he starts by complimenting Jesus,but Jesus as it were ignore what he said, and then tells him,except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Now this really stumped this very religious person ,it did not make sense to him,Jesus continues to emphasise this truth the importance of the new birth. Nicodemus still does not understand ,Jesus challenges him,you are a master of Israel and you don't know what that means.This reminds me of a story I read recently, about a godly man who sent his son to a Bible teacher. When he returned, the father asked him what had he learned.The son told him all he had learned. The father said,this is nothing,  go and learn more. The son returned one year later, this time he boasted about all he had learned, the father sent him back. When the son returned again, his face shone,the father embraced him,and said,you knew theology before, now you know Christ.
A prayer... / Dear God there are so many who know theology ,but alas don't know You or Your Son Jesus,have mercy  upon them open their minds and hearts to see the need of knowing Jesus as Saviour. Amen/
I  will return to my Blog Sunday week  every blessing Bill

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