verse of the day

Monday 26 August 2013

You are a soldier. [ 2 Timothy 2 v3-4 ]

Often the apostle Paul wrote of the Christian life in military terms,in Ephesians 6 ,he writes of the armour of God,in2 Timothy 2 v3-4,he uses the term soldier,and in 2 Corinthians 10v3-4 ,he writes of war and weapons. I was a boy soldier for nine months,so I know a little bit about being a soldier,it meant discipline ,each day we had inspections,and could easily have found ourselves on a charge for something or other.When discipline breaks down,anarchy reigns,discipline is vital in any army,and especially in the Lords army. We need to pray,read the word of God,we need to meet with Gods people,we must take these things very serious,and not make excuses.Many children don't like discipline,don't like being told what to do,yet it is for their own good,likewise in the army of Christ,there are those who don't like coming under the discipline,of Gods word,of the Spirits directing,and so build up resentment in their hearts. Discipline is for our good but it is also for the greater good ,those who loose sight of the greater good loose sight of the fact we are part of an army,was it Lord Nelson who spoke of those happy band of brothers.Nelson for all his greatness did not win battles on his own,being a Christians it is an individual thing with individual battles,but we need also to remember that it is a collective endeavour.
A  prayer..../ Dear God  as part of Your army, help us to show a measure of discipline in our lives in Jesus name, Amen/

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