verse of the day

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

A boy called Messiah [ Matthew 16v 13-16]

A couple in USA wanted to call their son Messiah,but a judged ruled against it,saying it was a title,and it belonged to one person Jesus,she has ruled that boy should be called Martin.Seemingly in 2012 Messiah was the 387th most popular name in USA. The Jew's and Christians both hold views on Messiah,for the Jew He has yet to come,for the Christian He has come. The Jews believe Messiah will set up an earthly kingdom, Christians  believe He came to establish an eternal kingdom.The title Messiah means one who saves and liberates,and of course that is what Jesus does ,He saves and He sets free,he saves from the consequences of sin and its judgement by a Holy God,He sets free from sin and satans power.The wonderful thing is,it includes everyone,Gods purposes is for the whosoever,a free offer of Salvation is offered to all..One day a Jew called Andrew declared ,/we have found Messiah,which being interpreted means the Christ[John 1 v41],and having found Him,he brought his brother to him. Dear Christian what about your brother ,your sister,your parents,have you sought to bring then to Jesus the Messiah?.
A prayer...../ Dear God thank that Messiah in the person of Your son Jesus has come,help us to bring others to Him,in His name we ask this. Amen /

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