verse of the day

Tuesday 13 August 2013

He knows the way. [ Psalm 107 v7 ]

I was away the weekend preaching at a friends church,and as I was driving home ,I found myself singing an old chorus ,which goes,/ My Lord knows the way through the wilderness, all I have to do is follow/.It sounds simple,but let us be honest we do not find it so, even though Israel had a great leader Moses,even though they had a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud led the way. [Exodus 13v21], continually the nation failed to follow Gods leading.Now we do not have a pillar of fire or cloud leading us,bur for all that, God is leading us. That little chorus reminded me that God is leading us His children,by His word and by His Spirit,and here is a challenge for us,His way is perfect[ 2 Samuel 22 v21], He knows what He is doing,he makes no mistakes no mistakes.John Piper has  written a grand  book,called ,/ A sweet and bitter Providence/,Life is not a straight line,leading  from one blessing to the next, he goes on to write,/ The life of the Godly is not a straight line to glory, but God see's that they get there./ In Psalm 107v30, we read ,/so He bringeth them unto their desired haven/.
A  prayer...../Dear God and Father,as we travel to glory,help us to not loose faith,or to think that You have forgotten us,in Jesus name we ask this Amen/

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