verse of the day

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Pray for the children. [ Isaiah 1 v17 ]

I wonder do you remember when you went to school ,and when your children went to school,in the west we are privileged and blest with a good education system.I could not have managed as regards unemployment if I had not been taught to read and write,think how much a blessing it is to be able to read a book,education is a great blessing.My thoughts turned recently to  to dear children who miss out in so much, but not only miss out in so much,they have to contend with co much.Consider what the Barnabas aid agency call children of courage,imagine what it must be like for children who are Christians or from Christian families who live with threats and intimidation every day. The authorities don't help,and their dear parents are powerless also,it is hard enough for children in this country,who are bullied.  So today, pray for children everywhere,yes for those who are being bullied,but for the many who are facing hostility and discrimination and even persecution,also for the many children who have lost their parents through aids,and have to fend for themselves,oh dear fellow Christians let us pray for the children.
A prayer.../Dear God have mercy upon the children in every land that are being neglected,abused, persecuted,orphaned,have mercy ,in Jesus name Amen /

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