verse of the day

Saturday 10 August 2013

It can happen to you.[ 1 Corinthians 10 v12 ]

The apostle Paul points out to his readers that the things that ancient Israel did ,the wrong things,and the consequences of their actions,were examples for them[[1 Corinthians 10].They were not examples that we are meant to follow,no their behaviour are examples of what we should avoid.If they followed their example they would suffer.Then he adds,/Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fallv12/,the Corinthian Christians may have thought that they would never fall into the same sins as the Israelites did,so he gives that warning.So let us consider a number of things,we are examples,be it for good or for bad, no one is an Island,we are all connected,before you get involved in something dubious,before you act unwisely,consider you are being watched,by your children,neighbours,and so on. Next it can happen to you ,and me,the very thing we see others do, that we thought we would never do in a million years,we can easily fall into. So do not be complacent,let us always bear in mind ,that we can fall morally,and tragically,it was Bunyan who wrote ,/he that is down need fear no fall/,in other words,walk in humility,and with an utter dependence upon God.
 A  prayer...../Dear God help us to be a Christlike example to others,and grant us grace to walk with a humble dependence on Your Spirit in Jesus name Amen ./
/I will return to my blog next Tuesday every blessing/

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