verse of the day

Sunday 8 September 2013

No other way [ John 14 v6 ]

Consider the greatness of God  His creation,His understanding,and consider what Paul wrote in Galations ,he is seeking to show the Galations the futility of the law to save,it is impossible for the Law to save,because we cannot keep the law. The Law was given to teach us that we are lost,but God did not leave us there,He points us in His word to the secret of being accepted by Him, Faith in Christ is the only way,Abraham was saved before the law was given by Faith [Genesis 15v6],the only way,anyone can be saved, is simple faith in what God has provided through Jesus.In chapter 3 v21 we read ,if there could had been a law given which could have given life,verily righteousness should have by the law/.Here Paul is saying God decided there was no other way in which He could save mankind.. We are as indeed God is closed into one option ,that is the death of His son on a cross for mankind,no amount of law keeping can save,there is simply no other way.Paul ends his epistle with  this awe inspiring statement,/ But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ/[ 6 v14]
A  prayer......./ Dear God we bow in humility before Your awe inspiring wisdom in providing such a great salvation in your dear Son .Amen /

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