verse of the day

Tuesday 17 September 2013

He saw beyond .[1Corinthians 4 v 8-18 ]

It was my oldest boys birthday yesterday,it is a somewhat amusing trait that when we are young,we want to appear to be older,and when we are older we want to appear to be younger. There used to be a saying,which went,/act your age/,in other words, if you are an older person  stop acting like an adolescent teenager,and if you are adolescent teenager stop acting like a child.  Then we have the contradictory challenge we throw at youngster,grow up,when they misbehave.Of  course their are parents who dress their children like little adults,it all appears and sounds so confusing,then life can appear confusing,in so many areas.People who die, we think should not die,a seemingly nice person is revealed as a child abuser,we loose our job,we are forsaken or betrayed by those we thought where our friends,and so on. Life has always been like this ,if one reads the Bible we read of those who experienced so much pain,they felt confused that wicked people appeared to prosper,while the righteous appear to suffer.No one said life would be fair,and often it isn't,but let us not despair,God truly is on the throne and He will remember His own,,it was Job who suffered so much,who declared ,/Though He slay me,yet will I trust Him[13 v15],it was the great apostle, wrote of being perplexed,but then he added,but not in despair[1 Corinthians 4v8],because he saw beyond ,yes he saw beyond[v17-18]
A  prayer...../ Dear God forgive us that our thougths,and our vision is so earth bound, help us to see beyond, in Jesus name Amen /

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