verse of the day

Monday 16 September 2013

Let us not doubt.[Psalm 121]

  In 2 Thessalonians 3 v2-3,the apostle contrasts two things,first he writes ,all men have not faith,then he writes, but the Lord is faithful. In writing that all men have not faith he could be referring to all in general ,or as the Message pharaphrses,/That all believers,are not believers/.  He has described them as unreasonable,and wicked men,the condition and behaviour of mankind can unsettle us,can breed uncertainy into our hearts,and cause us to doubt, and stumble. So to counter this the apostle quickly adds,/But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil/.Remember Peter began to sink when he took his eyes of the lord [Matthew 14 v30], likewise the disciples accused the Lord of not caring[ Mark 4v38].  So the apostle reminds his readers, and us, that in an uncertain world the Lord is with us, for He is faithful, and he will stablish ,and keep us from evil. Let us remember that whatever difficulties,trials,and uncertaines we are facing the Lord is with us,and he will enable us to stand.Not only that, He will keep us from evil,we have echoes of Psalm 121 here. Remember where sin abounds grace much more abounds[Romans 5 v20],so let us not doubt His faithfulness, or his ability to undertake for us His children.
A  prayer....../Dear God let us not doubt Your faithfulness, or Your ability to keep us from evil in Jesus name Amen/

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