verse of the day

Friday 13 September 2013

All [John 3 v16 ]

As I looked at a young lady pushing a pram with funny coloured hair, I thought she looks rough,and  then I thought she needs saved. In 1 Samuel 16 v7 we read man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart,in other words God see's the total person,and whats really important,we have such limited , and  restricted vision. I am not free from prejudice,are you?let us ask God to rid us of all that is contrary to what we should be,to see all people as God see's them,be they rich ,poor,clean ,dirty,limited mentally,uncouth,let us see  everyone we come into contact, as Christ see's them. God would have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth in Christ Jesus,he has not chosen angel's to tell them about Christ,no, He has chosen us.Our task is tell all men everywhere about Christ,our families,our neighbours,and so on. We need to be rid of any thing that hinders that task,Peter had to learn this,likewise the early church ,they had to learn that the Gospel is for the whosoever.
A prayer..... /Dear God  have mercy upon us,rid us of anything that hinders us telling others about Jesus our Saviour, Amen /

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