verse of the day

Monday 30 September 2013

Weak in faith.[ Mark 9 v 23-24 ]

Thomas Brooks in his very profitable book ,/The unsearchable riches of Christ/,wrote of those who are weak in grace,that they dwell more upon what may discourage them in the ways of grace and holiness,than they do upon what may encourage them. We all fall into that habit at times ,yes it is an habit,and it is a habit that we need to break,until we do,life will fill us with dread.I know we are all different, some are quick to worry,others are not so quick . The Christian life is not  escapism,nor is it meant to be Abraham was promised a son,but the promise took a long time happening,to the point it did not appear that could happen.Abraham looked at himself an old man and Sarah an old woman,he did not give way to despair,or fear. He did not weaken in faith,no distrust caused him to doubt the promise of God,he was fully convinced that God was able to do what He had promised[Romans 4 v 19ff] His heart and mind where fixed on God and His promise,and so it came to pass,if we are weak in faith,then we will, easily become discouraged,every time a problem arises,we will imagine all sorts of negative things.When Israel left Egypt ,in spite of all,they had witnessed of God's power,they continually panicked, imagining that all sorts of terrible things were going to happen.If we are like this then we must get closer to God,get to know God in a more intimate way,if we do God will honour our seeking,and I believe cause our faith to grow.
A   prayer ...../Dear God grant us the grace of strong faith in Jesus name Amen /

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