verse of the day

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Giving/investing [ Revelation 22 v 12]

The young pastor spoke a challenging message, it stressed giving,investing maybe would be a better term, it was about ,not getting anything in return. At the end he asked for anyone to make a comment, I spoke and said,my wife and I give generously but do we give sacrificially?that often when I give it is in a calculating way. It is something to think about,to pray about,and obey the Spirit's prompting,what does God want me to do?.I am thinking about money,but  I realise that  it involves more than that. What does it mean for you?I have read of many dear people,like David Brinard who witnessed to the American Indians in such a sacrificial way,of many who served God on the so called mission field at great sacrifice. F B Meyer. /Measure thy life by loss instead of gain. Not by wine drunk, but by the wine poured out/,He further wrote,/Christs people have always been a suffering people,and it is in exact proportion to their anguish that they have enriched mankind.They have saved others but not themselves/. I mentioned about investing, and not getting any thing in return,but that is only to do with the here and now,it is in eternity that Christ will reward all investment in His kingdom.[cp Matthew 25 v14ff]
A  prayer...../ Dear God help us to invest in Your kingdom in Jesus name Amen /

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