verse of the day

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Gods answer. [ Acts 4 v12 ]

In many ways the world has become a smaller place,the world is beamed into  our living rooms,and each day we see on the news, what is happening all over the world.Often one wishes one did not see what was happening,the conflict in Syria,where countless thousands of people have died,and the awful suffering of children.A little 12year old boy lying in a hospital bed, with 40percent burns and asking the question why did they drop a bomb on us as we played?.This is the 21st century we have made so many advances, surely these things should not be happening,Jesus said there would be wars and rumours of wars, and so it is,the cross declares how desperate mans plight is. Today's paradise can quickly change into a hell on earth,peace can change into war in a moment,the threat of extinguish ion hangs over this world.Technology cannot change human nature,money and possessions cannot change human nature,education cannot change human nature, only Christ can .The world will come to an end one day when Christ returns,until that happens,nothing will change,with the exception of those who surrender their lives  to Christ, they will change,and with that change a new creation is born,we are called Christians.We look beyond the smoking rubble of this world to a new heaven and a new earth ,when the old will have passed away,with all its pain .
A  prayer.../ Dear God and Father in a world of violence,in a world of confusion,in a world of lostness,turn the needy lost souls of this world to Your answer Jesus. Amen /

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