verse of the day

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Hate.[ 1 John 4 v 20 ]

Now let us consider our next theme, love,there is so much said about love,the NT emphasizes different aspects of love physical,brotherly ,and what we can call Christian love,Agape,this expression of love is a God love.God is love,as His children we are meant to reflect God love,and John makes it clear that it is not optional. This love involves many things,but it especially involves loving our fellow Christians,it is a command,Jesus said,/These things I command you , that ye love one another[John 15 v17 ],the question is are we obeying this command?. In stressing the importance of loving our fellow Christians John  contrasts two extremes,hate and love. In stressing hate he is using a term  for the most extreme breakdown in relationship,the lesser is just as serious,  all unlove has serious consequences. Simply because it challenges what Christ commanded us,that we are to love one another,we may not hate our fellow Christians ,but we may not like them,we may despise them,we may not forgive them for hurts caused.Such a spirit has its consequences,[ CP Matthew6 v15] John deals with hopefully that which is not two common,  but is very serious,that of a professing Christian hating another Christian. Can you think of a situation where it may happen?well it can happen, but John spells out what that means, whatever the cause,that person is in darkness,[cp 1 v9-11]and it is likened unto being a murderer[3 v15]which is clear indication that he ,or she is not saved,now that is very serious.
A  prayer....../Dear God ,You love all men, and forgive all who seek You,help us to be more like You in Jesus name Amen /

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