verse of the day

Tuesday 22 May 2012

When danger threatens. [ Psalm 91 ]

Daniel  Defoe the author of the classic book, Roninson Crusoe lived in London, when the great plague of 1665 struck. Daniel wrote an account of this event,in it he tells how many sought to leave the city,if they could,but even that was filled with difficulties as one needed a certificate of health from the Lord Mayor without it one would not be able to travel for fear of spreading the disease.What was Daniel to do?, he considered his situation , his business would possible suffer if he left London,but then if he stayed he might die of the plague. His older brother advised him to leave London, to run away from it. Daniel made plans to leave,but things happened that appeared to him, that Gods providence was indicating for him to stay.He shared this with his brother who laughed at what he told him,told him of stories of foolhardy people who like him had suffered ill, at such ideas. There came a point in Daniels experience ,he cried unto God,/I know not what to do , Lord, direct me/.and it was then that the words of Psalm 91 came to him, he read the following./ I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in Him will I trust . Surely He shall deliver thee from the noisome pestilence..........A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee....neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling /. Daniel stayed and God preserved him.
A  prayer ....Dear Lord help us to know how to act,when dangers threaten,help us to seek Your will,and grant us grace to trust in You and in Your word ,in Jesus Name Amen /.

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