verse of the day

Monday 28 May 2012

Lost innocence. [ Galations 5 v16]

The speaker at the church I attend issued us all with labels,we were to write on them, those things we would like to change,we then were to tie them to, two fans,it was pentecost Sunday and this was all related to what we would have the Holy Spirit accomplish in our lives.I never wrote anything, it is not that I dont need the Holy Spirit to work in my life,of course I do,as indeed we all do., but I needed time to think.Later in the day I was watching a cartoon about one of my favourite characters ,Winnie the Pooh,and as I watched it,I thought what I could have written on the label,Holy Spirit grant me the innocence of Winnie the Pooh. We loose our innocence in life so soon,never to regain it, in this life,the canvas of our lives,becomes so quickly stained,by dirty thoughts,and so many other things,we wish we could get rid of.Well it was Pentecost yesterday, reminding us that we have a divine helper,one who can aid in the ongoing battle with our lost innocence,so let us not despair as regards our lost innocence, and let us rejoice that one day we will regain it,when all things will be made new.[Revelation 21 v5 ]
A  prayer..../ Dear God grant us grace by the Holy Spirit to overcome our sinful tendancies,and to rejoice that one day You will make all things new,in Jesus name Amen/

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