verse of the day

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Morally upright. [Psalm 15]

I am just finishing a book called/ The end , Hitlers Germany/it is a very sad book  ,driven by one evil man,the nation of Germany followed,and became partakers of that evil,and suffered the consequences of such a decision. I ask myself would I have been any different if I had lived in Germany?,someone said it only takes good men to say nothing for evil to prosper. The challenge of the Christian life is to not just accept or go along with the evil and ungodliness that is ever present,we are called to be light,and to be salt,the light challenges the darkness, and the salt stops the corruptness.The early church experienced severe persecution because it would not say Caesar is Lord,the present crisis in the financial world has been brought about because of greed,and because not enough people spoke out against the  wrong practices that were going on. Yes there were those who did , I was speaking to a person who resigned,and took early retirement because he didnt agree with what was going on.But as in th case of Nazi Germany the darkness appears to have won the day,in the financial world,I wonder will anything change?. In the coming days we are going to be looking at Psalm 15, which my sturdy Bible declares this Psalm God calls His people to be morally upright and gives us 10 standards to determine how we are doing/.
A  prayer...../ Dear God in this dark and corrupt world, help us to  be the light and the salt, in Jesus name Amen /

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